This page sets out the Librairie Lapage (UK) Ltd (‘Lapage’) terms and conditions of supply. Users of our website agree that their access to and use of it are subject to these terms and conditions and to all applicable laws, and that any such access or use is undertaken at the user's own risk. These terms and conditions may be changed at any time without prior notice.
1 Orders
When you place an order to purchase a product, we will send you an email confirming receipt of your order and containing the details of your order. Your order represents an offer to us to purchase a product which is accepted by us and complete when we send email confirmation to you that we've received your order and the order has been accepted. Any products on the same order which we have not been confirmed in the acceptance email do not form part of that contract.
The price and other conditions shown are given in good faith on the basis of the latest information at our disposal. We are entitled to withdraw from any contract in the case of obvious errors or inaccuracies regarding the goods appearing on our website. If an error or inaccuracy is discovered with regards to the advertised price of the goods that you have ordered, we will contact you as soon as possible by email. This will be to inform you of the correct price of the goods, and to ask you if you wish to continue with the order at the amended price, or to cancel the order altogether.
We reserve the right not to accept any order or part thereof for any reasons. We also reserve the right to withdraw our acceptance of any order or part thereof if any ordered goods are not readily available to us.
2 Prices
Prices shown are provided in good faith, and, errors and omissions excepted, will be honoured as shown at the time of ordering.
Lapage reserves the right to change prices shown on this site at any time, and for whatever reason, without prior notice.
3 Delivery
Lapagewill post, or arrange a courier on your behalf, for the goods ordered by you to the person and address you provide at the time you make your order.
Delivery will be made as soon as possible after your order is accepted. All delivery times quoted on the website are estimates only, based on availability, normal processing and delivery companies.
You will become the owner of the goods you have ordered when the goods are despatched to you, except in the case of goods which are subject to credit terms.
Further information about our delivery services is detailed in the section ‘Livraison’ on the website.
4 Payment
a) Lapage terms are nett, and no settlement discounts or other deductions may be taken against the amount due. All amounts shown are in Sterling unless clearly indicated otherwise.
b) All legal costs and other expenses of any kind incurred by Lapage in recovering overdue amounts will be payable in full by the Customer.
5 Retention of title
All goods supplied by Lapage where credit terms have been agreed remain the property of Lapage until fully paid for. We reserve the right to repossess, or to pass to an agent or other third party the right of possession of any goods which shall not have been fully paid for by the due date as shown on the invoice.
6 Returns
No returns will be accepted for any reason of any goods not supplied by Lapage or of any title which the Customer does not buy exclusively from Lapage.
Returns will be accepted of goods which have manufacturing faults, or which have been supplied in error or that have arrived damaged, provided that such returns are notified to Lapage not more than ten days after receipt of the goods.
In addition, we will accept return of goods which you have ordered in error, but on condition that the items are returned unused and in perfect condition, and that packaging (i.e. plastic wrapping) is intact.
Further information about our return policy is detailed in ‘Services’ under ‘Echanges et Retours’
7 Governing Law
The contract between us shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law, and the English courts shall have jurisdiction to resolve any disputes between us.
8 Entire Agreement
These Terms and Conditions, together with the current website prices and delivery details set out the whole of our agreement relating to the supply of the goods to you by Lapage. These Terms and Conditions cannot be varied except in writing signed by a director of Lapage. In particular nothing said by any sales person on behalf of Lapage should be understood as a variation of these Terms and Conditions or as an authorised representation about the nature or quality of any goods offered for sale.
9 Disclaimer
Lapage shall not be liable to the Customer for any loss or damage which may be suffered as a direct or indirect result of the supply or use of any goods or the purpose of the contract for supply being directly or indirectly hindered or delayed by reason of any circumstance outside the reasonable control of Lapage.
We provide this site and its contents in good faith and make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the site or its contents. In addition, Lapage makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose of the information and related graphics published in this site or that any software or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components.
The information contained in this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. All liability of Lapage howsoever arising for any such inaccuracies or errors is expressly excluded.
Neither Lapage nor any of its Directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site in any way. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.